Vagina lump

I have a strange lump at the top of my vagina lips. I really am not sure what it is. I know it can’t be anything sexually transmitted because I am a virgin. it is a small lump, that is red around the outside and a sort of yellow bobbly bit under my skin. does anyone know what this is?

Answer #1

Are you people serious ???

Why are you answering this question ???

Just look at the name of the person asking it !

This person is yanking your chains !

Answer #2

dont worry its normal if your a virgin then it could just be irritation from clothing or detergents dont worry about it!

Answer #3

Just please clarify whether you intercourse with anyone during this period. I have lot of experience about this if you do write me clearly I can give you detail answer. if you want can send me privately to my mail: my personal mail. just send me detail.

Answer #4

It’s probably meant to be there. It’s hard to tell from what you’re saying, but it could even be your clitoris (definitely meant to be there - very important!) so my feeling is that you shouldn’t worry. Most girls are a bit surprised by what their vagina looks like - I mean, we don’t eaxactly compare them, do we? So my guess is that you are seeing something pretty normal, but that each woman is different so you may not look exactly like the illustrations in your biology text books. No one does! The only thing to worry about is if this lump is sore, puss-filled or growing/changing. Otherwise I think it’s probably part of you and meant to be there!

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