Vagina fluids?

Okay, I’ve started my period already and have had sex, but even before I’ve had sex, I’ve had this white, milky fluid come out from my vagina. It feels like I’m on my period and I’m not, but it happens everyday and it normally comes out to like a teaspoon or maybe a bit more. I know it may be a discharge and it doesn’t have a nasty odor, but it does smell, but not bad. I do wash everytime I shower or bathe, but I am curious.

Answer #1

That means your vagina is cleaning itself out.

Answer #2


Answer #3

what I am trying to say is like what they are saying but it’s more . when your period is over the white fluid comes out because your body isn’t done cleaning itself yet and needs to be clean some more

Answer #4

It’s probably normal. However, now that you are sexually active, don’t you think that it’s time to start getting regular pelvic exams? You don’t have to tell your Mom that reason, you can just say that your sex ed classes (or your class mates) have said that 15 (or so) years old is the time for exams so that later you will have a base line to compare for later. AND while you are at it, get the Gardasil vaccine. It will help to protect you against 4 of the most problematic strains of HPV, which can cause Cervical Cancer and genital warts. You can get all of the above at your doctors office, most any clinic, and Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood especially can give you knowledge to help you be smart about sex.

Good Luck!!

Answer #5

yes its normal your vagina is a self cleaning organ and discharge is just what it cleans out discharge can be clear, milky white or light yellow and its liquidy goo that comes out of your vagina every day, often, or every now and then thats why theres an extra peice of material in girls underpants because of discharge

Answer #6

I have this problem too. Doctors tell me it’s normal but it’s really a pain in the a$$. One did say something that made me feel better about it though: consider yourself lucky, the extra lubrication helps during sex. She’s right. My boyfriend is totally amazed by how wet I get.

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