What to do for Valentine's Day?

I really want to get my boyfriend something sweet for valentine’s day. we’ve known each other for 8 almost 9 years now and we’ve been dating for what will be 4 months by valentine’s day. I was thinking of telling him that I love him, but I don’t want to plan that. I want that to be spontaneous. I had thought about making him a book of sorts with every poem I’ve ever written about him in it. guy…opinions? btw, sex is out. haha. seriously though, we’re both pretty serious on that. girls, anything that you’ve ever gotten a guy that he DIED for? btw my boyfriend likes dragons, anime, batman (haha) and…me! haha. seriously though…I have NO CLUE!!!

Answer #1

I’ve never gotten a Valentine’s Day card or gift, ever. But, I do know that when I get a gift from a girl or someone I care about, something that has personal input or is from the heart means so much and makes the greatest gift, especially if it somehow incorporates something that I really like.

I really like the Poem book idea… that’s really sweet and basically will tell him how much he means to you - a lot like saying “I love you” without actually saying it. Perhaps you could illustrate the pages in the book with pictures of dragons, anime and batman as well. To me, that would make an awesome gift.

Answer #2

so I was reading the one before me, and honestly, I was like, how is this guy going to help? and now, I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE your idea about illustrating it with anime and batman and dragons!! muchos thank-you, rachel1007

Answer #3

I wound up baking him cookies instead. they were sweet and he loved them.

Answer #4

Not a problem, glad I can help :) I’m sure your boyfriend will love your gift!

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