urgh hateing skinnyness :(

ok so im size2 english america im size0 I try everything to gain waigh a little for better curves but I cant

any help??

Answer #1

wear horizontal stripe and colorful clothes, I heard they make you look fuller. As for gaining weight, may be a little carbs will do:). But really, millions of girls would die to have your “skinnyness”:)

Answer #2

Well LIke Me I JUst Hatet Being Skinny So I really dont wear Heels I were thick Clothes and stuff Hahaha !!! ANd did you try some WEight Gainpills JUst BE HAppy That Your Skinny you could Be Fat Ugly ANd Grotisque… Did you try MOdeling Cause You like You Are So Pretty That You Can Do That!!! Hope that Helps

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