What are some of your personality flaws?

i try to better and I believe to do so u gotta know ur flaws. some of my personality flaws i can think of right out are: very stubborn very egoistic competitive on silly stuff really immature and say mean stuff without thinking anger issues i’ll add more as i get some answers frm u guys…

Answer #1

Competive, impulsive, strong minded, I can be very stubborn and opinionated

Answer #2

I’m very immature, defensive, stubborn and a bit too outspoken.

Answer #3

I am impetuous, stubborn, temperamental and ‘perfect’ in every way (no that’s a lie) heck there’s another flaw.

Answer #4

Thinking to deeply on one subject….and being stubborn and saying exactly what i feel without looking at who’s around me, because i always say something that will make at least one person mad

Answer #5

im what she said too! :P

Answer #6

Cool :-)

Answer #7

My negativity, pessimism, stubbornness.

Answer #8

stubborn, opinionated, defensive, annoying, i can at times be immature, mean or negative, and oh, there are so many things I’d change about my personality>.<

Answer #9

oh yeah! i can be very negative and pessimistic too. it’s so ridiculous how negative i can be at times.

Answer #10

Impatience, stubbornness, negativity , pessimism

Answer #11

I’m fat and ugly.

Answer #12

yeah i hear u, i don’t think when i say stuff. like just recently my aunt asked me how she looked and i told her what i thought and later realized i shouldn’t have opened my mouth at all.

Answer #13

I can be my own worst enermy a lot of the times.. I tend to push people away a lot!!!! Also I’m impatient, stubborn, defensive, I’m blunt (opinionated), compeitive… and more I’m sure that I just can’t think of right now.

Answer #14

i also don’t let people in or like express what i really feel inside which creates people having the wrong impression of me. for example: i might say some really degrading and mean stuff about something just to like sound bad and mean or not let people know what i am inside but in reality i will be thinking the complete opposite. it’s hard to explain.

Answer #15

Selfish, Stubborn, Blunt, Open Minded ! Think I know it all , which of course im wrong ! im perfectly imperfect :)

Answer #16

I’m annoying. I talk a lot. I’m extremely stubborn. I’m slow. I like to argue. I’m sometimes a sh*t starter. I’m moody. I’m a little too opened minded. I’m a worry wart. I’m really negative. I’m either way to quiet or way to loud. I’m blunt. I give off the wrong vibes. I’m attitudey. I say the wrong thing, I forget to say something, I say something I wasn’t suppose to. & i’m forgetful.

Answer #17

im extremely pessimistic, self loathing, too caring(yes there is such a thing) I over think things, im judgmental, im extremely opinionated but open minded, i contradict myself, i have an addictive personality, i fall to easily for people and fall hard, mean..there is just alot

Answer #18

I’m stubborn, immature, argumentative, and I love to provoke people.

Answer #19

I lie too much, I’m mean without meaning to be, I gossip to the point no one trusts me that much, I’m always putting myself down to much or thinking myself better than others, I flirt without meaning to, I hurt my friends, I get jealouse easily, I daydream too much, I’m lazy and often have no enishative(i cant spell), I give up too easily, ect.ect.ect. The list is pretty long, but thats me, and who doesnt have flaws?

Answer #20

i think negatively about things, i push people away and then complain i have no friends, i get scared to speak my mind, i complain alllll the time, i’m annoying, i’m kinda..violent i gues..meaning i hit a lot of things and that kinda stuff, i get mad too easily, and not sure what else ._.

Answer #21

thanks guys for answering

Answer #22

i’m not that street smart and i’m easily influenced for the bad, i tend to be a slacker at times, i bottle anger up, and i tend to degrade myself

Answer #23

i would change my whole personality hahaha xP

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