why cant you upload .gif files?

why cant you not upload .gif files for? most of my pics are .gif so I can only upload little amount of pics. I cant change those pics to change the file name of them, so why does it matter if its .gif or any others ?

Answer #1

.gif was temporarily disabled - hopefully it will be up and running again soon. Just open them and re-save as a .jpg’s.

Answer #2

I dont know why gifs arent allowed (I am guessing it might be a space thing), however, if you want to change it just open it in paint and then file save as jpeg…

Answer #3

If you drop esconsult1 (he’s the co-founder / lead architect on the site) then he could give you the technical explanation…I don’t recall the reason myself off hand, but I know it was a good one :)

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