Unwanted blackheads

Is there anything that I can do so that my blackhead will disapear fast !!! before school starts

Answer #1

Put your face over a bowl of boiling water (not too close!) or put a hot flannel on your face. This opens the pores. Then scrub your face with either an exfoliating cream or something like Clearasil blackhead removal scrub.

As for your other question, regarding pimples, I use Clearsil 4 hour reduction cream. It takes any swelling down and makes the spot less red.

Just in general: Drink plenty of water. Try switching to an organic face wash if chemical face washes don’t work. Wash your face when in the shower, not in the sink. The steam opens the pores.

Answer #2

I use clearasil, it really helps me (:

Answer #3

put a hot cloth over it to open your pors, then gently squeeze it or try using some sort of black head removal scrub

Answer #4

I always squueze them :/ andpeople say it scars but mine never hace

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