unprotected ...

I had sex today with the guy I’m seeing, and he came in me. I’m supposed to start my period soon. How likely is it for me to get pregnant? And how soon can I take a test to find out. Please help. Thanks!

Answer #1

Anytime you have UNprotected sex, you can get pregnant!! If you dont know then I suggest getting educated BEFORE having sex!!! Your only “seeing” this guy?…do you think he would hang around if you were pregnant?

Answer #2

hun you can easily get pregnant!!! OMGGG YOU BIMBOOO!!! LOL go to the chemist and buy a morning after PILL NOW!!!

this will kill about 90% of the sperm in you!!!

and you need to wait 3days to do the test

Answer #3

the morning pill is the best advice I can give. I didn’t work for me cause I was too late, but if it just happened, then use it.

Answer #4

wait until your first missed period and then go get a preg. test ok. you cannot find out at 2 weeks. just go get a test. and a morning after pill if you’re not.

Answer #5

yeah you could be pregnant do what natie said!!! and get a pill! and dont have sex with out a condom or birth control lol better yet use a condom and birth control and be extra safe!

Answer #6

it is hard to say it could be half in half chance are you on birth control and? its a couple of days mybe a week or 2

Answer #7

yea boo now is the time you can get prego faster…u should get the morning pill…u can take a pregnancy in about 1 -2 weeks you would know for sure

Answer #8


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