unidentified love?

so me and this boy went out for about 9 months.I’ve never had a realationship that long.weve had to many fights to count, we disagreed on things and it wasnt going well towards the end of the relationship.so I decided to call it off.I was sick of stressing over it.I told him that it would be beter as freidns, beause we act like it anyways.he was very upset and went off.we from then on have been having these LONG talks and all he would say is how much he wanted me back. he would guilt trip me and say how much his life would change if I wasnt with him.he saw a future he said, but I diddnt.I dont know what to do because I have some feelings for this other boy, and I dont know if I want him again.there both two great guys, I just dont know who makes me happier, and who will treat me better. what do you think???

Answer #1

I would give this new guy a chance, because this other guy has already caused problems. You only live once hun, so live happy and stress free!


Answer #2

Hunny, u just answered yah own question! x U said u were sick and tired of stressin.. always inta fights, u seem to be totally fed up with this guy… and then u say u like this new kiddo on the block.. (“,)

U know what ur gonna do right? x

Oh the new guy… dont dulve straight into it, give him some time.. get to know him and all .. that way u know how the guy is without committing to him x

Imiz x

Answer #3

this is sometging you hear most of the time but it really works….

       BE YOURSELF!!!!!!
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