Unicorn girls

Ok I now this is random, but I hate it so much when moms take a toddlers hair and put it in a pony tail like rite on da top of there head or the very front of it! I mean c’mon! Are you trying to make your daughter look like a unicorn!? I think its mean!

I see them everywhere I go now! Its just wierd! No offense if your mom did that to you when you were a toddler…

What do you think?

Answer #1

lmao I couldnt agree more its like disfigurement!!! mum’s are evil for doing it lol

but yeah I totally agree I think it looks weird. :)

Answer #2

HAHAHAHAHA! Unicorn ahahaha…that was so funny man…Its cute when its high but I have never seen a ponytail on the front of the head…thinking of how that would look just cracks me up!

Answer #3

bahahaaha this made me laugh so hard :P especially the part “are you trying to make your daughter look like a unicorn!?” it’s kinda funny to me because my mom does it…it’s really annoying and she isnt even a toddler but she does her hair like that in the house I’m usually like “take that piece of crap off your head!”

Answer #4

I’m happy all of you enjoyed this question! :)

Answer #5

OMG like a million girls in my school do that its weird…seirously. your hysterical!!!

Answer #6

I think its cuteee

Answer #7

totaly agree wid ya dey do look dumb and your describing dem as unicorns..ha! that was gud

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