Unfaithfull Friend

Well It was A While Ago 2 Of My friends Got Drunk With This Uva Boy Brad Who was Also Going Out With 1 Of My Uva friends They All Went Out And 1 Thing Apparently Lead To Anuva And They Both Tuck It In Turns Of Makeing Out Wiv Him So They Say ..But The Thing Iz They Told Me And Didnt Seem 1 Bit Guilty About It They Were Boasting About It I was Like Wtf But Then They Said They Werent Gunna Tell Sofia But I Made Em, Then They Told Sofia, And Boasted It To Every1 Else They New, When Sofia was Upset, I Really Hated Them…But We Are All Frendz Again Now But I Feel like I Still Hate Them I Dont Want Tu..But I Do Why??? someone Answere Me Please..x

Answer #1

Try let it go just dont trust them anymore you know I mean be cool with them but they should know for what they did things will never be the same try avoid them as much as possible

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