um embarising {only girls}

ok its embarising but I havnt had my first period yet but I tried using a tampon {just to get the handle on it because when I do have it im in dance and need to use them} and there was a little blood{I think] and white stuff at the tip does that mean I might have my first period soon???

Answer #1

dont use tampons unless you are on your period. you should carry a pad or panty liner around with you.. good luck.

Answer #2

the white stuff could be discharge but to be on the safe side try bring a tampon with you and dont use them use you are sure you are on because you can get really sick form them.

Answer #3

Your hymen can break when inserting a tampon, this was what the blood was probably from, so don’t worry…

You shouldn’t really use a tampon when you don’t have your period as they can hurt and be harder to get in and out as there is no blood there to kind of help if slide.

If you are getting a white discharge in your knicker, yes, that could mean your period is coming soon C:

Answer #4

The white stuff could quite possibly be discharge , and as for the blood who knows? You will just have to wait and see , maybe you should carry a tampon around from now just incase your out and about for the day? how old are you if you dont mind me asking? when you do start it wont just come gushing out dont worry!! it will be a tiny little bit and get heavier

Answer #5

The white stuff was, most likely, discharge which is the vagina’s way of cleaning itself. I got discharge like a year before my period started so it’s not nessecarily an indication that it’s coming anytime soon. As goat11 has said, the blood could’ve just been from your hymen breaking but could’ve also been spotting. But if you haven’t had any more blood soon after that (at most 2days after) then it was most likely just your hymen.

Answer #6

shes 13 ^^^ shes my friend : ) ily merissa

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