what should I say to her

okay so this girl I like has a perfect body, beautiful eyes, shes smart, funny, and cool. I don’t think I’ve ever dreamed of a girl as perfect as this girl. when I go to see her on the 16 of this month what should I say to her.

Answer #1

Hmm…theres so much you could say!

Ask her about her interests, about herself, ECT. Express an interest in her by getting to know her interests and likes and dislikes…

Be careful of what you say, by all means, keep away from any dirty talk, LOL...this is a HUGE HUGE turn off...for most girls. 

Talk about life expiriences and things as well…even the basic stuff about classes and the bad tacos you had last week. Keep it light at first, the deep talk will come soon!(Unless you already know her very well)

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