I think I'm falling for my ex, what should I do?

Okay so me and my boyfriend have been dating for almost 10 months noww . I tell him I love him every day and I think I mean it . but things are getting very boring. we have the same conversations over and over again . and whenever we hang out its always the samee . so I went to a 4th of july party and me and my ex took a walk cause hes a really close friend of mine and we made out… but it just happened noone started it or anythingg .. and now I dont know what to do because I think im falling for my ex again .. but I love my boyfriend. what should I do?

Answer #1

ok well heres my opinion pick or choose you cant have a honest relationship wtih both of them so you gotta pick one … I think you have to honestly say to urself who has and always will be there for me … and you can’t say you love someone unless you know you do

Answer #2

u love your boyfriend but sounds like its heading toward a freindly love…its prob a phase and in case you should just w8 it out but if you still feel like this let him know…

btw b realistic of your ex’z potential

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