ughh sisters

I have a sister who is so annoying adnd she gets wahtever she wants its not fair. like why doesnt she get in trouble when she does stuff bad. and when I do something bad I get in a lot more trouble than she does.

Answer #1

Hi Fau. My name is jessiicapatriciax3x3, but you can call me Jessica. Listen, siblings are sometimes difficult and frustrating. I have a younger sister and the same thing happens to me a lot. I recommend just being grateful for what you have and try to stay out of trouble because one day, you’ll be recognized for the things you’ve done and you’ll absolutely received credit for that. Just keep high hopes!! Good luck! xoxo

Answer #2

yo, I hate my lil sis! she is such a pain in the a$$ listen I got over the whole oh she never gets in trouble thing when I was 14, and I realized that I now get every thing I want when I do stuff for my parents while she now gets notin, so just wait, Unknown person it will all turn around!

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