Ugh this shy boyy

Okay I have a problem I guess I should just satrt at the begginging I was cheated on by this guy that id been friends with for 10 years. It tore me apart for a while I took my time and recooperated. I like this guy now but he is just so so so shy that when we talk he wont even look at me. At first I thought he just wasnt intrested but apparently thats not the case. he is just super shy. I dont know what to do to make him feel comfortable around me I mean im being outgoing andc nice. We have the same group of friends so we are around eachother all the time but I don’t know what I should do

Answer #1

I know how you feel. That boy used to be like I was. I was so shy around girls, that I almost never looked at them face to face. The reason he doesn’t is probably because he thinks he’s not cute enough for you. That’s the reason I never looked. After all, every guy knows a girl likes a guy who is handsome.

Try to make him look at you. Like, play games together that involve looking (I.e. staring contest, concentration, etc.). Tell him he’s adorable, and let him feel assured that you REALLY have feelings for him.

For the longest time, I hated being called cute by my girlfriend, she says I’m perfect, but I always screw up (not cheat on her, but little things like being late). I always turned away when she called me cute because I wasn’t cute. Now, I just accept the comment.

That’s basically what he needs. He needs someone to tell him it’s fine. He’ll eventually get comfortable and look at you and be more outgoing. It just takes time.

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