ugh.strict mothers

ok so im 13yrs old rite and I thought that my mom wld like mayb gimme sum mre freedom instead she treats me like a babii and neva lets me chyll w/ my friends unless if its like a school dance like when I was 11 please why wld I want to go 2 want to those anymre I mean how cn I get my mom 2 trust me and just gimme sum freedom 2 let me out like if she wnts ill tell her all da info she wnts 2 noe bout where im going.OMG!!!someone please help me=/

Answer #1

my mom is the same way she wont give me freedom to even go to the movies with my friends only with my cousins and yeah it suks=[ and im 15 years old and your younger so dont worry you will get your freedom later on

Answer #2

lol I agree with wowdev. you are probably just upset so just chyll. lol

Answer #3

im 13 too, but have pretty much total freedom, so much it feels like sometimes my parents dont care where I am or wot I am doing. your mums just protecting you until she knows your 100% ready and responsible, doesnt that prove how much she loves you and cares??? and honestly once you get used to freedom its not that amazing, just something you have and have got used too! im sure you can wait a bit! and if not try having a chat wid your mum and explaining how you feel and wot you want to do, show her you r responsible also by helping around the house, doing chores and just acting maturer(is that a word???) . and then if you get some more freedom dont abuse it or she will take it away!(I learnt the hard way, lol!!!) Good Luck!

hope I helped! xxx

Answer #4

well your 13, I remember when I was 13 and I wanted freedom, now im 15 with a boyfriend and now I wish I was lil with no comittments, your moms just protecting you untill she KNOWS for sures that you ready :]

so live like a pre-teen while you can, because real life is hard. [[even though im only two years older then you lol]]

you can wait a couple years to have total freedom cant u? :]

Answer #5

wll mayb you shuld lrn 2 type & do betr in school so you cn do more stuff o.o


Answer #6

well,you are only thirteen years old,so how much freedom do you really need?

Answer #7

I agree you are 13 , what does that make you an adult

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