Types of jobs...

What types of jobs are there in the feild of marketing/advertising/PR? Any idea’s/wage brackets would be nice too…Or do you, or know of someone who works in this particular sector?

I’m currently @ University studying marketing.

Get back to me please :)

Jack, 19, UK

Answer #1

there’s plenty of jobs out there in the marketing world, pick something that your passionate about and stick with it. I am involved in a program that uses marketing as the main tool and as long as your passionate about it you’ll be successful at whatever you decide to do.

Answer #2

That’s great thanks you, again :D


Answer #3

you could become a manager at a store, and maybe work your way up to president or VP of that company. if you have a job now, try talking with your boss and ask them for more advice about it. I used to work in retail, and learned from my boss that it can be really rewarding. sorry, I don’t know about the wages part.

Answer #4

There are many levels of selling things to people, and many scales. Every product you buy, whether it’s a tin of soup or a car, had a team of marketers on it, at the designing, the manufacturing, distributing and retail levels. Marketing is (ostensibly) what makes the world go round. And its not just business-to-consumer, it’s business-to-business as well, so at the bottom of the salary scale would be the dispensible telemarketer trying to sell frozen food over the phone, all the way up to a huge construction company trying to get a government contract to build a new school.

As you get more in depth into your course, you will learn about all the different careers possible with your degree.

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