Two of my best friends? In love?

I have a friend that is 14 and another that is 16. The 16 yr old is a girl and the 14 is a boy. About 4 months ago the 16 told me that she is crazy over the 14yr old. He kinda likes her back. About 2 days ago the 14 told me that the 16yr old told him everything. She went over to his house to kiss him but ended up just talking to his parents about voting. Its driving me crazy because she does this with every guy. I am just sick of it! UGH! Everyone else knows and they are all sick of it to. Now what?

Answer #1

There’s not a lot you can do unfortunately, yeah, it does sound pretty frustrating though. It’s nerve wracking when people always like someone new. Maybe you should tell him that she changes guys like she changes underwear so he has a heads up. If he ignores that than I guess you’ll just need to be there when he gets hurt.

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