twilight VS harry potter

whick is better? I think harry potter is caz it actually has a good story. where is twilight is just 4 books stretched out about love and not being able 2 b together. its 2 stretched out. its stupid. no offense, but im a dedicated twilight hater. what does everyone else think and why?

Answer #1

J.K. Rowling is a better than writer than Stephanie meyer, sorry.

Answer #2

twilight is a love storie so yea guys wouldnt be into it as much as girls are. I really wish she continued the story though. I dont want it to end so soon! so twilight all the way. JACOB IS WAYYY HOTT!!

Answer #3

Twilight is waaayyy better than HP. HP sucks twilight rocks!!! Go TWILIGHTERS!!!

Answer #4

Harry Potter because I’ve never seen Twilight,, And I totally love the Harry Potter movies ! ^_^

Answer #5


Answer #6

twilight does not annoy me as much as harry potter. but I do not like either to be honest. I tried reading both but they were boring.

Answer #7

I think that Twilight is better sorry for that, but I just don’t like that hocus pocus Harry Potter crap. I hope that you don’t take any offence because everybody has different oppinions, and I like romance better and you like wizard (crap) stuff better.

Answer #8

no no no no you guys are both wrong haha HP is ok and Twilight is good to but the better book to read IS CAPTIAN UNDERPANTS

Answer #9

I like both but for differnt reasons HP for all that hocus pocus crap as the last person called it and Twilight for the love story. But in both cases the Books were WAY better.

Answer #10

I found twillight to be crap, stupid and rediculouse and I only liked the first harry potter movie the rest were pretty carp and they all lost the plot

Answer #11

im more of an harry potter fan. I have stuck through it to the very end. twilight is okay but in both cases the movies are crapola compared to the books. so HARRY POTTER all the way. and how cute the characters are should not be a factor. BOTH TWILIGHT AND HARRY POTTER HAVE ROBERT PATTENSON JUST SO EVERYONE KNOWS!!! AND SOMEONE PEOPLE ARE ANSWERING THE QUESTION BASED ON THE MOVIE NOT THE BOOK SO IF YOU HAVENT READ THE BOOKS I DONT THINK YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION!

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