Trying to have a baby...

Me and boyfriend are trying to have a baby, I’m 19 he’s 20. Were both ready for the resposibility to take care and love a child. We have been having unprotected sex on and off for the past 10 days but today I got my period and it looks normal. Is there a way I can still be pregnant? If not when is the best time to try? Thank you.

Answer #1

Yeah, type ovulation calculator in google, basically you just have to remember when your last period started, and generally how long your cycle is (between 28-45 days) Then the calculator will tell you your most fertile dates for the coming monthes, there’s generally about 3 days each month at the height of fertility.


Answer #2

It’s possible to experience period like bleeding when pregnant. However, when hCG is released into the body it tells the ovaries to release progesterone which prevents menstruation. In fact, a very big reason many women do not realize they are pregnant until many weeks later is because they believe they are having a period when in fact it is really not a period. Bleeding during pregnancy may last days or throughout the entire pregnancy.

The best time to try for pregnancy is when you’re ovulating.

Answer #3

You could be, but most likely not…just keep trying.


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