Trouble and strife

I’m into my second marriage, but things are not going well, as I have 2 teenage boys who live with me. They dont like the changes and cant get away with things as easily. Is it time to be firm and lay the law down with them, or try and compromise with my wife?

Answer #1

you should be a bit firmer with them.. im a teenager and I hate being told what to do etc. but I’m gonna have to get on with it.. Rules are Rules… and at the end of the day I’m gonna thank the people who have been firm with me as im getting ready to go into the big wide world and if you dont listen to those who know what its like then you have no chance.. try to be firmer but not too firm.. let them know that change can be a good thing and that you still love them but your the person they look up to and need to know you care for them just as much as your wife.. you could maybe sit and talk as a family and sort a few rules out etc. .. I know im a teenager so I dont know how helpful this is going to be but good luck =D x

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