
4 my school student council, im going 2 give a speech 2 try out 4 treasurer. The treasurer keeps track of th money 4 the school programs. I have 2 say what im going 2 do 4 the school. Whatr some ideas? What are some things I coudld do 4 people 2 vote 4 me?

Answer #1

I think one of the biggest problems in school today is kids being mean to each other and bullying. Perhaps you could use some money to buy anti bullying posters and maybe some posters that encourage people to help one another and not be so mean. To get people to vote for you, you need to have what they call a “platform” what you beleive in and what you are wanting to accomplish. Pray about it, God will give you the right cause that you were created to handle. Blessings, Christianwalk

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