Where to get a translation of this Italian song?


Well I didn’t get many answers for question #1, which was fine. It ended up working out alright.

BUT, I was wondering if anybody has orknows where to get a translation of a song called “nel cor piu non mi sento?” I am also (on top of musical theater auditions) doing vocal performance auditions (ya know mixit up a bit!) We’re supposed to get a direct translation of the song but no place has it. Sure every other italian song on the market is there–go figyah.

Answer #1

I’m not even sure if this is the right song. I just googled it. I hope it is :D

Già il sole dal Gange Già il sole dal Gange Più chiaro sfavilla E terge ogni stilla Dell’alba che piange. Col raggio dorato Ingemma ogni stelo E gli astri del cielo Dipinge nel prato. Vergin, tutto amor Vergin, tutto amor, O madre di bontade, madre pia, Ascolta, dolce Maria, La voce del peccator. Il pianto suo ti muova, Giungan a te I suoi lamenti. Suo duol, suoi tristi accenti, senti pietsoso quel tuo cor. Nel cor più non mi sento Nel cor più non mi sento Brillar la gioventù. Gagion del mio tormento, Amor, ci hai colpa tu. Mi pizzichi, mi stuzzichi, Mi pungichi, mi mastichi, Che cosa è questa, oimè! Pietà, pietà, pietà, Amore è un certo che, Che disperar mi fa. Rossignols amoureax Rossignols amoureax, répondez à nos voix Par la douceur de vos ramages. Rendez les plus tendres hommages A la divinité qui règne dons nos boys! Waldeinsamkeit Gestern abend in der stillen Ruh’, Sah ich im Wald einer Amsel zu; Als ich da so saß, Meiner ganz vergaß: Kommt mein Schatz und schleichet sich um mich Und küsset mich. So viel Laub als an der Linden ist Und so viel tausendmal hat mich mein Schatz geküßt; Denn ich muß gesteh’n, Es hat’s niemand geseh’n, Und die Amsel soll mein Zeuge sein: Wir war’n allein.

Already the Sun from the Ganges Already the sun from the Ganges More clearly sparkles And dries every droplet From the sunrise that weeps. With the golden rays It bejewels every stem And the stars of the sky Paint the fields. Virgin, all loving Virgin, all-loving, Oh mother of generosity, holy mother, Listen, sweet Mary, The voice of the sinner. The weeping you let move, May you arrive to the lamenting His sorrow, his sad accents, Let him hear the mercy of your heart. In my heart I no longer feel In my heart I no longer feel The sparkle of youth The cause of my torment, Love, the blame is yours. You pinch me, you poke me, You prick me, you nip at me, What thing is this, alas! Pity, pity, pity, Love is a certain thing, That despairs me. Amorous Nightingales Amorous nightingales, respond to our voices, For the sweetness of your warbling. ender the tenderest homage to the Gods who reign in our woods! Alone in the Woods Yesterday evening in the peaceful stillness, I saw in the wood a blackbird; as I sat there, forgetful of myself: my darling creeps up to me and kisses me. For every leaf upon the linden, a thousand times my darling kissed me; I must confess, there was no one about to see, and the blackbird will be my witness: we were alone

Answer #2

Thank you guys!!! That def. helped for these auditions lol.

Answer #3

That looks like the right translation. I know vergin tuttamor means virgin with love (or virgin all loving) Amor(e) is love and sole is sun so it looks like the translation matches up pretty well.

(Goodjob pinkbull6!)

Another good book for musical theatre majors/vocal performance majors is 26 Italian Arias - http://www.sheetmusicplus.com/store/smp_inside.html?item=3520890&cart=1270709258&page=cover

xox Sika

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