Tough spot, need some help...

Ok, so I dated this girl for about 2 years, I completely fell in love and opened up, she left me about a week to 2 weeks ago, and started dating another guy almost two days later, broke my heart. I was always depressed, and pretty empty on the inside. I started feeling better, got some confidence in myself back, and started smiling. well, I saw her today, with the other guy, and it pretty much killed me on the inside, I faked happy when I saw her though. now im depressed again, I have ZERO confidence in myself again, and pretty much feel empty and heart broken all over again. I’d love to have her back, but obviously it isnt happening. and I’m pretty sure she didnt care, I just want to feel good about myself again, and stop with the depression. any ideas? and ‘hooking up’ with another girl is out of the question, because I still feel guilty about talking to other girls.. I’d love some help, thanks a lot.

Answer #1

I am in the SAME EXACT position as you at the moment. I would love to help if I would just listen to my own advice haha.. The only thing that is different between us is that my ex-boyfriend did not go out with a girl 2 days after we broke up… at least I hope he didn’t. I would say bravo on getting some of your confidence back in just 2 weeks, especially since you guys have been going out for two years. It is really admirable that a guy can go head-over-heels for a lady. And honestly, if she doesn’t admire it, other ladies will. I know it will take time to forget her completely but it WILL happen. Think about it, this is a girl you went out with, then left you for another guy (I only assume that because she went out with him two days after she left you), what kind of a person is she? If she is able to do that to you then it’s not worth your heartache. Easier said than done, but it is your decision to listen. I do not agree with hooking up with another girl either because it would be unfair for her and you to use her to get over your ex-girlfriend. I say, give it a little time.. Who knows? Maybe she’ll realize what she’s been missing out on and come back to you. I do not want to give you false hope but anything is possible. Or, if you want something bad to happen to her just think that karma will get her one day for doing this to you. I feel your pain, sweetie. Hopefully you will get over this one day and will look at this as just another life’s experience. Best of luck to you.

Answer #2

you are not with her anymore. she is seeing somebody else. she has moved on. you need to do the same. if you feel ‘guilty; then you are simply allowing yourself to be stuck in the same situation because you are refusing to move on. So yeh- you will continue to feel the way you feel. If you want to change the way you feel, you need to change the way you think and the way you act. stop thinking he is the key to your hapiness - you are. Show yourself you can build yourself back up. This is a hint- a guy that appears desperate or is feeling sorry for himself is a turn off to most girls. Show your sensitive side of course- but dont let it take over you.

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