Totally cute guy

Okay, so I really like this guy in one of my classes. He’s really good and he’s so a gentleman. I like him very much. He always look at me. I don’t know why. How would I know if he likes me or not?

P.s. I’m incredebly shy and I can’t dare to talk to him. I’m really into some of boy’s stuff like wrestling and basketball.

Answer #1

Sarah sarah sarah, you’re in a little situation aren’t you. Being shy isn’t a good thing at times, because you want to find out if he likes you or not. Be the better woman and just go for it. Bring up a topic or sport that he likes and have a conversation. I mean this isn’t a movie, he’s not gonna muster up courage and ask you out. If anything, you always look at him then. Then he’ll be sure to say something, something… Maybe ask you for the time or maybe why you stare at him. If anything, reply that you’re madly in love. Lol no no, say that he looks at you too. :) Sorry if I didn’t give you any real advice.

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