Totally Concerned

So what if you like white boys, and I’m not being racial in any way, but I like white boys my age. But, its hard to find one that likes you back. And I’ve always wanted to go with one, but never had the guts to really do that, or approaching him. So what do I do, give me good advice.

Answer #1

I don’t know.

Answer #2

In my opinion, skin color has nothing on personality. One day you might meet a white male that will have interest in you. Its all about chemistry and personal interest. If the spark isnt there, then its just not there. And more than anything, know that love comes at the randomest times. Its best to not search for it, but let it come to you. It will. The guy you meet may not be white, but he will be for you , and you will be able to tell <3

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