Totally bored

I’m totally bored… any suggestions?

Answer #1

figure things out like get a friend overt and you guys can all make some thing like cards or things to put up on your wall, or make things to sell, or you can just go out side and sell lemonade or if its a hot day, get wet with your friends, or swim, either one!

Answer #2

are you artistic?

Answer #3

watch a movie

Answer #4

yea why?

Answer #5

truth or dare? that’s always fun. have a contest with her for something.

Answer #6

u can still always justmwatch a couple movies drink some beer :)

Answer #7

smart idea you know I would have never thought of that! plus my friend is at my house! she’s spending the night! :)

Answer #8

well, I hope you have fun, and remember, when your bored, be creative, do stuff you never did or thought of

Answer #9

Run around outside, call a friend.

Answer #10

Go to!!(seriously, it’s fun) Or get a myspace, and learn html.

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