Too skinny

So im a female 5’5 15 almost 16 and not even 100 pounds I dont have a eating disorder or anything I eat heatly while enjoying sweets all the time (: but I never gain weight I cant go to the doctor because we dont have medical insurance I know im underweight and I run track and the only thing working out has done for me is givein me a bigger bust , I was wondering if there was any ways that I can slow down my metobolizm or gain weight in a healthy way,,, my self counciousness is affecting my social life I wont be comfertable with my body untill im a good weight,

Anyidea please and thankyou

Answer #1

You’re probably not going to gain weight on junk food… do you have a gym you can work out at to build muscle… you’ll need protein… they have shakes and supplements at health food stores…

Answer #2

If you don’t have medical then go to a clinic.

Answer #3

girl your perfect I wish I could be your height and your weight im too short and weight too much im 4’11 and weight 112lbs. your perfect I wish I can be you. be happy so many people wish they can eat and eat and never get fat trust me, I know a lot of people who wish that and one of them is me just be happy and enjoy life

Answer #4

Well I know that eating sugars, carbs, and fried foods slow it down, but it’s not too healthy.

Answer #5

I think you are a perfect weight.

Since you are so active, you have a very high metabolism which in turn makes you burn through calories like nothing! If you want to gain weight, you have to ingest more calories then you burn. If working out gave you a bigger bust, that means that you were more then likely working your upper body more then everything else. Try evening everything out. Say you go to the gym 3 days a week, legs monday, shoulders, arms wednesday, then core and back friday. You would want to do low weight, high reps to get your muscles to stay lean, yet gain mass, increasing your overall weight.

Best of luck!

(oh and you have the most gorgeous eyes ever!)

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