What's a suitable age to get a tongue piercing?

Hey guys.

I was wondering what you all consider a suitable age to get your tongue pierced and if youve had it done what you consider the pain to be out of 10. I have a very low pain threshold. I was wondering if there was any numbing creams/ solutions to use before hand. Any tips or comments would be useful!

Thanks guys

Answer #1

Never. I think that tongue piercings are disgusting!!! Eeeewww!!!

Answer #2

Maybe when you’re around 17 or 18. And for the pain, I don’t know, but since you can’t stand pain at a high level, I would say to numb it out, with those teething gels, like Orajel or something like that.


Answer #3

18+ is appropriate. I would rate the pain of getting your tongue pierce a 1 but when its comes time for to eat I say a 9. The piercer didn’t numb my tongue!

The first day of having my tongue done it really hurt day 2-4 was painful to eat..

Good luck,

Answer #4

I just get tongue piercing.^^Im 15 now.To me,I think that no matter what age you are.Go for it.But you just need to take really good care of it.And make sure everything go perfect.Check the information.About the pain…Erm..I’ll give 1.5 over 10.Its the least painful piercing. Feel free to send funmail to me if you want to know more.^^

Answer #5

18, when it’s legal.

Answer #6

I think 18.

Answer #7

when you are older then I am. i once kissed a girl eit a

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