Today is like a bad soap opera

So today my best friend learned that her boyfriend slept with my other best friend. Theres all this crap going on and I don’t want the one who was cheated on to chose her boyfriend over us, because he doesn’t deserve her. On top of that, my boyfriend who I love overwhelmingly, had to go to a psychiatric hospital for the 3rd time in 3 months because his dad is driving him insane. He’ll be gone for a week and a week after he comes home I’m leaving for a week and 5 days. I’m already missing him. But I’m ALSO grounded for a long time for drinking and skipping school. And my birthdays tomorrow. So basically I feel nothing and I don’t know what to do. I feel like everything is all messed up and wrong.

Answer #1

Whatever your friend chooses to do… that is up to her. And you can’t control her or anybody else but yourself. So if she chooses to make a stupid decision, that’s her life not yours. As for your boyfriend, are you able to write letters? At least when he gets out you can keep a notebook or something that you can trade back when you get back into town. It might help you feel like you’re talking to him even though you’re not. And would be nice to read when you guys reunite.

You shouldn’t have been drinking and skipping school. I know it sucks to get caught but there are consequences. Don’t be dumb.

And I’m sure you will still have a good birthday. Happy birthday by the way.

Answer #2


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