To be friends or not to befriend?

Ok, so I have a friend who I have been kool with since high school. He’s 18 and I’m 19. He hangs with a lot of gay people. Not saying that I have anything against gay people being that I have a lot myself. The problem is he told me he thinks he’s bi and his girlfriend told me last nite that he asked me that to try to get it out of me because he thinks I’m gay. The only problem is I know he’s bi and I’m not, he has had really gay experiences with some of his gay friends. I think its messed up that he went behind my back and try to make me out to be gay and try to keep himself in the clear. Should I stay friends with him or should I just drop him because he’s full of it? Please let me know!

Answer #1

Thanx yonna. I mean its gotten to the point to where I don’t want to talk to him. I mean he’s a gud person and all but j have heard him say and do a lot of hurtful things to his other “friends” so I think I was naïve to think he wasn’t gonna do the same thing to me.

Answer #2

you need to talk 2 him about it it may be a misunderstanding…if not you need to ask urself wether you want to still be friends

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