Is time decomposing?

Is the world “moving on” like in the Gunslinger series by Stephen King?

Answer #1

i doubt it. i read that series myself, and i remember roland very well (a good series too). we’re too far into technology i believe. and if we are, find me a bumbler! XD

Answer #2

I read the series when I was alot younger, and I’m reading it again now. This time through, I picked up on an underlying question (especially in the first 4 books): What happens when our technology interferes with the fundamental workings of our planet? Like time being distorted. we measure time by our revolution/rotation around the sun. Day and night are measured by periods of light and darkness, and divided into hours, minutes etc. What if all the nuclear testing and warfare of last century kinda started a wobble in our rotation or threw our orbit off a bit with a cumulative error- so it got worse as time progressed, would that have a perceivable effect on our concept of time?

Answer #3

now that question i hve no idea, and i only read it once, but im going to buy the book series, i love it, eddie and roland are quite silly really, specially when roland starts to open up.

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