Throat piercing

What are the risks in getting your throat pierced? Or what can I go to, to research it?

Answer #1

Thank you, and it’s at the base of your throat so I don’t know if an infection would really hurt that bad.

Answer #2

okay, it’s a MADISON PIERCING!!! There is NOTHING DANGEROUS!!! about it!!! Google didn’t even have pics of what could happen if it got infected or anything, did you even check??? The worst that can happen is scaring, migration, or infection. but most piercings have these same risks.

Answer #3

WTF? Throat piercing? Wtf?! Do you know how dangerous that is??? Seirously, you shouldn’t do it

Answer #4

my friend got the back of her neck pierced, I thought it looked cool but I’ve never seen a throat piecing

Answer #5

eh, I want it. it looks cool. I really like it. and I heard it wasn’t all that dangerous, but I just want to make sure.

Answer #6

what a horrible tacky thing/dangeriouse thing to do dont do it(no offence)

Answer #7

I know the risks now, they aren’t bad. question closed.

Answer #8

Go to google pics and type in throat piercing and you’ll see what coulc happen

Answer #9


Answer #10

it’s a surface piercing, so it could rip out pretty easily. and you’re going to get reactions about like what everyone said in this question. personally, I think they look cool. if you want it, get it. sounds like you know what the worst case senario is. as long as you know the risks to it, if you want to get something, don’t let others tell you not to. I’m guessing the infection would be about like any other piercing. maybe a little more painful than normal piercings, since its right at your throat. but anyways. yeah, I’d go for it

Answer #11

I Think Your A Little Twisted Lol..No But I Think Yu shouldnt Get It Because You Have To change It Constantly And If Probally Will be complicated The Only Person I Think Yu Should Talk To Is Your Doctor They would Be Better At Explaining This Kind Of Stuff Two Yu But Personally I Would Be Scared

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