What are your thoughts on positive thinking: powerful or false hope?

Answer #1

Very, very powerful. the mind is the best medicine :)

Answer #2

Well, you can go around thinking your blessed to have life or go around thinking everything sucks and you might as well kill yourself. but obviously those thoughts have very different outcomes.

Answer #3

I always try to think positive, it just makes me feel better in myself. If I go around always thinking the worst in things then I don’t think I would be a very happy person.

Answer #4

Not false hope at all. Positive thinking as much as possible can actually cause the outcome of some things to improve because of the way you will handle or react to it. Just as negative thinking can have the same effect in a negative way. The positive / negative thing also affects other people around you that may be involved with you in whatever the situation may be. Whether you are positive or negative about it will “rub off “ on them and that’s called the power of suggestion.

Answer #5

Postive thinking is inspirational and motivates. But it is like being given a treasure map. The people your sorrounded by may be as excited as you about the great find…..But without embarking on execution and action at best it will be a great fictional unrealized story to talk about. Nothing can really manifest into being without mindset-thought-action and to the extent you take it…that’s the result of where you are. So yes, to the extent your willing to apply all three to postive thinking is the amount of power in proportion you get from it.

Answer #6

I remember reading an article somewhere that argued that positive thinking may actually be counterproductive, but I can’t recall where I read it now.

Answer #7

positive thinking leads us to a positive attitude. it can be seen from our behavior and personality. it is a process which we learn as time passes it can be a factor of nature or nurture

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