What are your thoughts on dreadlocks?

I’ve thought about dreadlocks off and on, I’d get them but I don’t know much about them and it looks somehow risky. What do you think? Would they look good on you? Do you not favor them?

Answer #1

Depends on the person. I think some guys are soooooooooo cute in dreads. Some girls pull it off too. I am in the process of growing my hair back out, and I decided that if I were to ever cut it short, I would dread it for a while then cut it off at the pony tail.

Answer #2

Some girls look really cute with them. They don’t look good on guys though, imo.

Answer #3

It really depends on the person. Some people look really dirty with dreads in, and some look okay. Apparently they can be a pain to keep clean. I know of someone who ended with mold in theirs which makes me cringe and shriek like a little girl. I think I would fall under the category of people who would not look good with them, but I don’t think I could ever bring myself to put my hair through that to begin with. I’m really protective over my hair. How long is your hair to begin with?

Answer #4

If you look at my default picture, you can tell it’s awfully short. It’s barely down my neck.

Answer #5

I saw that, just wasn’t sure if it was recent. Can you even put dreadlocks into hair that short? I personally don’t think it would look good. You’d look like an ICP fan or something.

Answer #6

Haha, well thank you for being honest :)

Answer #7

Really depends on the person, just like any hair style, not everything looks good on everyone. But at a place I go to get my hair done, this girl had them and she looked good with them.

Answer #8

I never knew you could grow mold in your hair. How disgusting.

Answer #9

Ewh. i hate them. I find they always look really unclean, no matter how well the person takes care of them. And alot of people dont suit them.

Answer #10

Yea… I’m personally not a fan of dreads. They kind of gross me out, because they look dirty… But there are many people who wear them and look really great. Maybe you’re one of them! :-)

Answer #11

i love them!!

Answer #12

I think they make guys look better, I LOVE guys with dreads. I miss mine, but they were a lot of work. I’ll see if I can find a picture of them.

Answer #13

Also, you lose about 20% of your hair, length wise, when you dread it. You’d want to wait a year or so before you got them.

Answer #14

It’s a myth that you cant wash your hair when you have dreads. :D Its the opposite, actually. You want to have clean hair so that your dreads can “lock” or tighten and mature.

Answer #15

Ignore the frowny face and the bad quality. I took this a day or two before I brushed them out so I was a little bummed. I had them for a little over two months.

Answer #16

looks wise there pretty awesome, but if you think about it you can’t wash your hair for a little bit b4 getting them, and when you get them think about how much of your hair doesn’t get washed.

Answer #17

looks wise there pretty awesome, but if you think about it you can’t wash your hair for a little bit b4 getting them, and when you get them think about how much of your hair doesn’t get washed.

Answer #18

looks wise there pretty awesome, but if you think about it you can’t wash your hair for a little bit b4 getting them, and when you get them think about how much of your hair doesn’t get washed.

Answer #19

I don’t like dem i mean 4 me i dnt

Answer #20

I’ve seen only few people who look good with dreads in my opinion. Generally, when I see them, it gives off a dirty look to me. However, I was surprised when I saw one style of dreads I thought actually look really nice, in my opinion, posted on this site. http://www.funadvice.com/photos/answer_dreadlocks_tomorrow_fu ck_yeah_wondering_2

Answer #21

if someone could tollirate having them then thats good for them and Newton Faulkner is amazing so im cool with dreds

Answer #22

no… just no…

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