this random guy

I was watching fireworks and this guy came up to me ( I didnt know him) and held my hand and put his arm around me he took me to his truch and started makeing out with me … that lead to sex I feel terrible about it (I have a boyfriend) please tell me how to get over this gulit or what to do

Answer #1

wtf? how old are you? are you stupid?? your boyfriend has every right to be mad!! you wont have sex with him but you will go off and have sex with a complete stranger… why he is still with you is… god only knows… for that he is dumb 2!

Answer #2

umm I think you should tell him because if you dont then your just gonna keep feeling guilty :/ but if you have a REALY nice boyfriend and forgives you then I think you will be fine :/ but he may not be just so forgiving

Answer #3

First of all: It seems like you left some pretty important details in this story. It makes…well, not a lot of sense.That was a stupid thing to do, and above all not SAFE. What you did was horrible and you should feel terrible. Thats a weird, and nasty thing. Who in their right mind gives into a guy (a complete STRANGER might I add) because he holds their hand. He was a creeper. You should never have slept with him. Its just…it makes no sense and its wrong! If you can give yourself up like that then lemme tell ya’the truth hun, you are one easy girl in the bed department and your boyfriend deserves better then you.

Answer #4

omg are you seriouss?!? well why would you go w/ a stranger ? and if you tell your boyfriend at lease you will be tellin the truth no matter if he gets mad at lease you wouldnt keep it from him & it wont be bothering you all the time. its better to tell him instead of him finding out by himself because he would be MORE mad then when you tell him

Answer #5

You have not said why you (who already has a boyfriend) let a complete stranger hold your hand and put his arm around you, went off with him and had sex in his truck.

What you done was incredibly stupid and dangerous. You could have even been murdered! (Yes, it happens!)

Here in Britain we have a name for girls who do things like that, but its not a very nice name… :-(

PS I do hope you used a condom. If not, you may like to get checked out for pregnancy and sexual diseases.


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