This is more about school

Well…let me put it this way.My friend and I have been friends for a long time…I get jealous of her a lot.Most people dont even see me sometimes I think im invisible. She gets all of the attention!One time I got hit in the head with a basketball! NO ONE EVEN SAID SORRY! I HATE MY SCHOOL SO MUCH! Sometimes I think I came from pluto and they didnt want me or something lol. Shes a great drawer and Im just as good as her all I hear is OH MY GOD AMY! YOU ARE SUCH A GOOD DRAWER! I think Im getting to hate her more and more and I cry when I get home because im not as perfect as everyone says she is.So can anyone help me?

Answer #1

Greetings, -Let’s start by putting the situation into other people’s points of veiw, it’s not her fault that she does well in a lot of things, she probebly works very hard for it. You should be trying to improve your status in your school by putting more time into studying, and being nicer to everyone in general. Don’t talk about other people’s faults. Also crying isn’t going to help the situation much, it’ll just make your parents feel worse, and worry a lot about you. Don’t ask her questions like, “I wish I could be like you, what is your secrete?” Just try to improve everything in your life, Spend less time playing, more time studying. -Good luck! -phil2611

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