Should I keep my lipring?

Ok .Here goes . Im at a point in my life [ not going to go into details ] but should I keep my LIP ring or take it out and DYE my hair . This I where it gets complex my boyfriend said we will be over [ but I think love is with or without a lip ring ]and also I love my lip ring I feel like it makes me ME ya know ? But I also really want a new hair do . I just dont know . Ugh , anyone want to help ? Thanks in advance .

Answer #1

If you boyfriend is making you choose between him and a lip ring then you have more to worry about then the ring. Once he sees that he can control in this way what is next to go? Your hair style, your friends, maybe even your family? You dont go into a relationship and start trying to change a person. The only person you should be trying to please is yourself. If you like the ring, keep it. You are pretty and you will find plenty of guys out there that will accept you for who you are.

Answer #2

I have a lip ring and im getting my hair done. I think I am going to get it pink and black again. it looks good.

Answer #3

I would listen to the b/f. He sees you from outside. You see yourself only in the mirror.

Answer #4


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