Best way to become a famous singer?

Hi umm I really like to sing and people say I’m good I really would like to be famous and my mom has a brain disease and the doctor said that she is going to die when I’m fifteen I want to get rich so I can save her life plus I’m 13 going to be 14 in february so she has a short amount of time what should I do? How can I become famous I think that my only chance at being famous is to sing act or model and I’m not too good at modeling?

Answer #1

audition audition AUDITION #1 thing you can do and make sure your family is with you 100% with that and just never loose that dream always keep trying and good luck definitely I wish you the best :)

Answer #2

Hey, I am really sorry about your mom. But in the music industry, (No offense) but they don’t feel sorry for you. They may help you raise money, but they aren’t going to care enough to give you a record deal. I mean getting one of those is earned, not through sad stories. Sorry to burst your bubble. But, using this advice, go out there and sing whenever you can! It doesn’t matter if you are 13 or 14, ok? JUST SING! Sing in the shower. Sing in your bedroom. Sing infront of family. Sing infront of friends. Sing at the talent show. Compete in Singing contests. You have to earn it! Just believe and you can succeed:) Hope your mom gets better sweetie. Nomadder what happens, Keep Singing! Your mom wants you to, I am sure. Goddbye Sweetheart<3

Answer #3 is an online music competition site- They have weekly competitions that give amateur musicians the chance to feature on big YouTube channels with over 10,000 subscribers and weekly prizes also

Answer #4

well sorry to hear about your mam, maybe you should go to a recording studio and see if they accept you there, plus if you tell them the story about your mam they might want to accept you even if you cant sing! to save her life. another way is just to go on american idol or Xfactor, or something like that :) good look finding your voice :D xxx

Answer #5

I think what you want to do is very commendable, but I’m pretty sure your mom already thinks your a star. I’m sorry that your mom is ailing that’s very tough I went through something similar with my father, as a matter of fact the only thing he wanted before he died was a grandchild, and I was determined to make it happen, but couldn’t and I was very upset. Strangely enough just two years to the date of his death I got pregnant with a baby girl whose birthday is just 10 days short of his. So I understand what you want to do, but know that kind of goal may be achievable, just not as soon as you want, don’t give up though. The best thing you can do is make a special song for your mom, or pick out a beautiful song, even her favorite song and make it special invite friends and family to see you sing it, believe me you will always be the biggest star in her eyes, no matter what you do!

Answer #6

well sorry to here about that but I think that you can get famous at whatever you want to be but if you are good at singing then go for it!!! I think that you wil have to do some research to become a famouse singer and you have to understand that it all wont happen over night. well good luck and when you become famouse I can brag to al my friends and tell them that I was the one that gave you the advice and I am 100% behind you!! go folow your dreams!!

Answer #7 is an online music competition site- They have weekly competitions that give amateur musicians the chance to feature on big YouTube channels with over 10,000 subscribers and weekly prizes also

Answer #8

I wanna become I famous singer too…im trying to improve my voice and take lessons online from this guy on youtube its always been my dream to become a fmaous singer I have improving to do but singing is my passion and I will do anything to become noticed…does anyone know any people or companies that could help me reach my goal I am only thirteen and no I have lots of improving to do and it wont just happen over night but this is the only thing I want to do in a few years…please heelp me!!!

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