This Is A Differnt Pregnancy Question

I have taken about 5 test already 1 came out unclear the others came out saying I wasnt … I havnt had my period in 2 months… I get really bad cramps im always tired and im always craving food even if my tummy is already full…I don’t know what it could be any ideas???o and sometimes I get this sour taste in my mouth and I get the need to spit…

Answer #1

doctor!!! this is opposite from what my aunt went through, she had her period for two months straight and had to get a historectemy… I don’t know how to spell that.

Answer #2

you could have that worm thing that gets in your stomach for the craving of food even though your hungry… like you’re never full? your period could just be down to having normal irregular periods if you didnt keep track of them before now it could be difficult to tell you’ve taken 5 tests, I think thats enough… I doubt youre pregnant but keep your eye open for other signs

Answer #3

4 negative tests? highly unlikely you’re pregnant

Answer #4

Go to the doctor and get a blood test - espcially if one of the test was blurry.

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