This guy

Okay, I like this guy, but he has a girlfriend, everyone says he likes me, but hes dating another girl, what should I do???

Answer #1


don’t do a thing…he’s in a relationship…it wouldn’t be fair on him or the girl if you did anything about it.

Answer #2

leave him alone now. I he realy likes You, he will broke up with that girl and come to You. Dont try to do something before it happiend, cause it wouldnt be fear to that other girl. You dont wannt to hurt anntbody I hope…

Answer #3

I’ve been there. the guy likes you but he more in love with his girlfriend.. let him know how you feel and see what he says.. if he doesnt like and was just leading you then you tell him what he lost

Answer #4

exactly what ifeelcrazy123 said. Don’t do anything. It’s not fair on the girl he is with. How would you feel if you had a boyfriend and another girl was trying to pursue feelings for him while you were still dating. Let them be. If they happen to break up because of something between them then let that happen and if you still have feelings for him only then try telling him how you feel. But for now, there’s a lot of single guys out there move on.

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