This guy

Okay I am so over guys I always get hurt and I dont know what I do wrong they always cheat on me they always hurt me I hate it and omg this amazing guy I been talking to he really cares and he is not tryna rush anything and he asked me out I don’t know should I give him a chance I don’t know im confused I am only 15 I dont need this sht what the helll am I doing wrong uhhh I hate guys are all guys aswholes?

Answer #1

Not all guys are a holes; I like to think of myself as someone who isn’t an a hole. Lotsa people say that I’m not an a hole. Go for it as long as you didn’t meet him like you met the others; which must’ve been near a dumpster. :) If he seems different from the others, go out with him.

Answer #2

I thought the same thing at your age. It takes dating a lot of jerks to find a nice guy. Don’t give up! When you like someone go for it! Use judgment. The more losers and jerks you date the easier it is to sniff them out later.

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