this guy

ok so a few days ago I met this guy and I really like him and he told me he liked me too so after 4 days of knowing him I asked him out because I wanted to and my friends said I should he said yes but not right now because we just met. im scared I pushed him away. should I worry or just act as I normally do and give it some time?

Answer #1

Girlll…think your fine, he just wants to know you better which is good. So you know he doesnt want to just with you to have sex with you… he genuinely wants to get to know you… So I think its boyfriend did the same thinggg… but we’ve be together for 8 months now so I think youre fine -good luck

Answer #2

Give him some time, it sounds like he ment what he said and he didn’t say outright no…so just relax and act normal around him.

Answer #3

Just wait… you didnt push him away. You guys just met and it was sudden. If he said not right now then tgere is a future… Just take it like you would if you never would of asked him and always remember what he said… “Yes, but not right now”

Answer #4

just let it relax he must like you or he would not have said yea I doubt you pushed him away

Answer #5

I say just give it some time. Get to know each other first and then ask him out

Answer #6

just act as I normally do and give it some time?


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