this friday, hey that's tomorrow.

so me and my sister [more like best friend!] want to hang out tomorrow night because she has the night off of work and her boyfriend is going to a show in detroit. so we plan on getting three or four ectasy pills each, two hits of acid each, a couple blunts, and maybe some blow. now I am pumped for this to happen. I have been clean for about three and a half weeks now, and it’s a chance to hang with my sister. opinions? and if what you have to say is just a bunch of put downs, then don’t bother. I already know how that goes.

Answer #1

well, not really. I’ve done more. not saying that that is a good thing, because it’s not. but I know my limits. that’s why I only do this once in a great while and I know what I can handle. the first time I rolled I took nine beans and was drinking. not smart. I think the only way I would die is if I don’t drink enough water or I drink to much. or if any of it is cut with something dangerous. but I doubt that. thanks for looking out for me. =]

Answer #2

Cokes bad ..thizz is good ,,,weed Very GOOD,,Lsd Goood ..dont do the coke hahah

Answer #3

That would probably kill you if you did it all at once…I think by this question alone yes, you have a drug problem. :/

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