this dude likes me

ok so there is this guy at my school who has a big crush on me.he is like a stalker and he wants to date me.I have a boyfriend and I don’t want to be with that guy.I don’t know how to tell him im not intrested in him.I don’t want to hurt his feelings.u guys what do I do??HELP

Answer #1

Like angelcake said, you tell him you’re flattered by the attention he is showing you, however you do have a boyfriend and you do not feel it is appropriate.

Answer #2

Tell him straight that he needs to back off. Tell him you are flattered by his attention but you are in a relationship and you just dont feel the same as he does. It might hurt him a bit, but its summet he’s going to have to face. He can’t continue to “stalk” you. Its just not right. So set him straight before it goes to far

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