this could be the breaker!

So as you guys know me and my boyfriend of 2 years just broke up 2 months ago…but I am pregnant and he knows…there has always been awkward tension between us..because I think there are still some feelings there.. now he does call me a couple of times a week to check up on how I am doing but this time out of the blue he goes “hey do you think it would be ok if I came over maybe on tuesday night?” I was so caught off guard I couldn’t believe it. then I said um ok… what made this come out and he said “well I need help with some paper work “ but I knew that was a lie because his mom was telling me how she did it for him over the weekend… and then he adds “ and I dont know I just thought we could talk you know “…WHAT DOES THIS MEAN..and the time before this call he was saying “I care about you very much and I would be there in a heart beat if you needed anything from me “…this is so unlike him… what do you guys think will happen on tuesday night!? HELPP!!…

Answer #1

awwhh thank you so much! yes I am going to be completley honest about everything and my feelings… you are right!

Answer #2

girl there s baby in the way. and obviously he hasnt forgot bout u. someon cant forget someone from day to day or month to month. especially if ya were together for soo long. he more than likely wants to talk to you about you guys being together and stuff. you guys should fix whatever problems there are. theres a baby onthe way. and there would b nothing more beautiful than to spend those 9 months with your babys daddy.. give each other another chance. everything does happen for a reason =) congratulations on your baby and hope everything turns out the way its supposed too!! good luck girl

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