Things to do

I want to do something with my boyfriend, its ALWAYS rains here so what could we do apart from stay and watch films getting a bit sick of that I want us to do something fun and different everyweek, any ideas?:)

Answer #1

Thanks guys :) xx

Answer #2

haha I had the same problem, and you helped me with it :) :P well I suggest like going and getting a few friends together, and just hanging out and having a good time. or go to the mall or baking something, me and my boyfriend made cupcakes one day, and it was funny, cause we just made a mess, but the cup cakes turned out good, ahha but I also agree with the video game thing, it sounds fun :)

Answer #3

My favorite thing to do is to play like old fashioned video games like mario or something. :) it sounds really lame, but it’s fun to see his competitive side, & by competing you can give him flirty nudges in the middle of games or bargain with him, such as, if you win, I’ll “a;sdklfj” to you, & if I win, you have to do “thas;dlkfjas;dflj.” It doesn’t even have to be sexual, just something fun & out there. :) juust an idea! good luck!

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