Thick hair dylemma

My hair is soo thick I dont no what style to put it in that it wont be anoyin me but I want to make it look nice all the same I have brown hair not curly, it is wavy.

Answer #1

I have the same problem brown, THICKKK, and wavy. ugh.

I usually have it layered and thinned. that helps soo much.

Answer #2

You can get your hair thinned at a local salon, it doesn’t hurt and it makes your hair not look so full. You can also ask your stylist what cuts and styles would make it less full looking.

Answer #3

I have really thick hair also…and people tell me ALL THE TIME that I should LOVE it..but I dont lol

an easy way to get your hair looking thinner is to ask the person that cuts your hair to give you short layers, that way your hair does not look like its just one big bulk piece of hair. works for me :)

Answer #4

you should just pin it up, you could always straighten it and get it thinned out too, it works for me.

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