These boys!

What does it mean if a guy you like, and you thought he liked you back,…just stops talking to you? It really crushed me,… what do I do!? maybe I should let it go, means he wasnt worth all my time,..??

Answer #1

girlfriend you just have to put out earlyer or your loose him forever. Remember girls just do what your man tells you and just make sure you have lots of make-up on so you wil look really pretty like me heheeheheheeh.

Answer #2

girlfriend you just have to put out earlyer or your loose him forever. Remember girls just do what your man tells you and just make sure you have lots of make-up on so you wil look really pretty like me heheeheheheeh.

Answer #3

girl ,grown men do it to maybe its just the way they are ,I have had that that happen to me and just thought the guy was just not interested

Answer #4

haha thanks girls :)

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